Getting your Seller Central account and listings set up properly is really important. All of your sales depend on it being done properly. You can use a service and have it done fast and cheap, but it probably won't be very good. You can do it yourself, which can be good and cheap, but it will take a long time. Or you can hire a consultant, which will be fast and good, but won't necessarily be cheap.
Here are our recommendations:
GOOD AND CHEAP - If your company has a lot of time and an employee to dedicate to managing your account, doesn't mind losing sales for a while, and wants to try and figure out a system to put it all together - do it yourself. There are hundreds of blogs and free trainings out there, which will help you succeed, which can take between 6-12 months. Your company will probably also need to invest in some software to help you manage all of the systems eluded to above.
FAST AND CHEAP - If you don't really care about your listings or sales, but still want to have a presence on Amazon, hire a service. (We don't actually recommend you do this.)
FAST AND GOOD - If you are serious about selling on Amazon and want to jump start your sales, be given a proven strategy for selling on the Amazon platforms, as well as get training on all of the necessary elements to be successful, then hire a consultant.
If you are interested in learning more about how Brand Authority can help you be successful on Amazon, please reach out to us and request a
free strategy session.